Athens used to be a city with beautiful architecture. That slowly but surely changed in the last few decades, due to various construction policies which were all aiming for quick profit. These policies which were implemented by the people that were in power during that time, gave incentives for the demolition of old buildings and their replacement by, in most cases, architectural monstrosities. The situation became even worse in the last decade due to the economic crisis that hit the country and especially Athens, the largest city of Greece. Most of the few old buildings that stand today are there only because of a few laws that prevent them from being demolished due to their historical or aesthetic importance. Unfortunately most of the owners of these buildings have decided to purposefully neglect them and let them wither away in the hopes that they will be able to build new (and take advantage of the wave of gentrification that takes place in the city at the moment), when they inevitably fall down at some point.
This self-initiated project was an effort to document some of the damage and maybe even manage to show the beauty which is still there, hidden under graffiti, pollution and neglect. All images are of entrances of some of these old buildings that still stand in Athens.

A Panoramic Idea, 1.

No more heroes, 69.

Anarchy, 11.

Pinkz, 36.